Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Innovation Contest (ICON) 2013

Deskripsi Kegiatan: 
ICON 2013 ini merupakan ajang inovasi dan kreasi mahasiswa seluruh Indonesia yang dilaksanakan demi pengembangan keterampilan mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha yang berorientasi pada profit sekaligus bertujuan agar dapat menciptakan produk yang mampu bersaing dalam pasar global. Kemudian, dituangkan dalam karya tulis ilmiah dan produk, adapun jenis produk dalam hal ini tidak dibatasi.

Penyelenggara: Komunitas Riset dan Penalaran FE UNY

Tema Kegiatan:
"Pengembangan Produk Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah Menuju Persaingan Global"

Sub Tema:
  1. Inovasi Produk UMKM Berbasis Teknologi Tepat Guna
  2. Inovasi Produk UMKM Berbasis Kearifan Lokal

Waktu Pelaksanaan:
Pendaftaran: 21 Maret-10 April 2013
Pengumpulan Karya: 21 Maret-17 April 2013
Pengumuman Finalis: 24 April 2013
Babak Final: 11 Mei 2013

Syarat dan Ketentuan:
  1. Peserta adalah kelompok mahasiswa di seluruh Indonesia yang sedang aktif mengikuti program pendidikan S1 atau Diploma. Mahasiswa pengusul dapat berasal dari berbagai program studi yang berbeda atau dari satu program studi yang sama dan didampingi oleh dosen pembimbing atau pendamping.
  2. Peserta maksimal berada pada semester VII.
  3. Jumlah anggota terdiri dari 3 orang termasuk ketua dengan Perguruan Tinggi yang sama.
  4. Proposal, lampiran Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa dan bukti pembayaran berbentuk soft file (.pdf dan .doc) dikirim ke dengan format nama file: ICON_Nama Ketua_Judul 3 Kata Depan_Kependekan Universitas Asal. Contoh: ICON_Tri Haninun_Inovasi Produk UMKM_UNY.
  5. Produk dapat ditampilkan saat persentasi bagi peserta yang lolos seleksi.
  6. Karya tersebut murni dan belum pernah dipublikasikan.

Mekanisme Pendaftaran:
  1. Mengirimkan (via e-mail) surat pernyataan bukti keikutsertaan dalam acara ICON dengan ditandatangani oleh ketua kelompok.
  2. Pembayaran sebesar Rp. 75.000,- dilakukan melalui BNI no. rekening 0272936833 a.n Dian Friantoro atau BRI no. rekening 098701016613532 a.n Ujang Hartato

Juara 1: Rp. 2.500.000,- + Trophy + Piagam
Juara 2: Rp. 2.000.000,- + Trophy + Piagam
Juara 3: Rp. 1.500.000,- + Trophy + Piagam 

Dian Friantoro - 08777233779
Nurul Azizah - 085747796788
Ujang Hartato - 085838139994
Twitter: @iconfeuny
Facebook: Innovation Contest

Lomba Karya Ilmiah Remaja Tingkat Nasional PF#2 2013


Lomba  Karya  Ilmiah (KIR)  ini  merupakan  salah  satu  kegiatan  dari  rangkaian  acara PF#2. Event ini  nantinya  boleh  diikuti  oleh  seluruh  siswa SMA/Sederajat se-Indonesia, dimana  3  finalis yang terpilih  akan  diundang  ke  Universitas  Andalas  untuk mempresentasikan  hasil  karya  tulis  mereka  selama  kurang lebih 1 jam  di depan  juri  sesuai dengan tema yang telah ditentukan oleh Panitia. Peserta yang tidak mematuhi peraturan maka didiskualifikasi.

Pendaftaran sampai dengan 10 April 2013
Biaya Pendaftaran 100.000
info lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di poster atau web penyelenggara

Contact Persons
Konfirmasi dan pertanyaan bisa diajukan ke CP berikut:
a.  Norra (08975315452)
b.  Fera (087792183228)
c.  Ai (081363588814)
Atau bisa juga via,
Facebook  : Penalaran Festival #2
Twitter    : @PF2_Education
Email    :

UNDIP Technopreneurship Challenge 2013

Undip Tecnopreneurship Challenge! Ajang perdana dari R’nB (Research and Business) Universitas Diponegoro, sebuah Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa yang bergerak dalam bidang riset dan bisnis. UTC ini diadakan untuk Menumbuhkan minat mahasiswa dan masyarakat Usaha Kecil Menengah khususnya dalam bidang technopreneurship, meningkatkan jiwa technopreneurship di kalangan mahasiswa dan masyarakat Usaha Kecil Menengah se-Indonesia, menanamkan keberanian para mahasiswa dan masyarakat Usaha Kecil Menengah untuk membuat gagasan technopreneur, dan sebagai wadah bagi para mahasiswa dan masyarakat Usaha Kecil Menengah dalam menuangkan dan visualisasi ide-ide technopreneur mereka
Tertarik??? Gak usah mikir 2 kali. Langsung siapin deh ide kreatif lo.. ^_^

Kriteria Peserta :
- Warga negara indonesia, perorangan maupun kelompok, berusia 16 sampai 30 tahun;
- Merupakan mahasiswa dan atau pemuda yang terlibat dalam sebuah UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah)
- Memiliki kebaharuan dalam inovasi project;
- Karya inovasi belum pernah menjadi pemenang pertama, kedua dan ketiga di tingkat nasional;
- Menyerahkan data terkait dengan inovasi yang diajukan;
- Karya inovasi adalah milik sendiri/kelompok (dibuktikan dengan surat pernyataan di atas materai)

Pendaftaran :
  • biaya pendaftaran per TIM adalah sebesar Rp 75.000,00
  • Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online dengan mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang dapat di download melalui
  • Form pendaftaran dalam bentuk softcopy dan berkas proposal dikirimkan via email ke
  • Setelah mendaftar online, berkas formulir yang telah dikirim via email tadi WAJIB dikirimkan ke Panitia UTC 2013 (Undip Technopreneur Challenge) sebanyak 3 rangkap. Alamat adalah sebagai berikut : Panitia UTC 2013 (Undip Technopreneur Challenge) Jl. Prof. Sudharto SH, Gd. PKM (Pusat Kegiatan Mahasiswa), Lantai 2, Sekretariat UKM (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa) Rn’B, Universitas Diponegoro, Tembalang, Semarang.
  • Tidak diperbolehkan bagi peserta untuk mengirimkan dua atau lebih project. Jika ditemukan panitia akan mendiskualifikasinya;
  • Detail penulisan dan mekanismenya bisa dilihat di buku panduan UTC 2013 yang dapat didownload di blog UTC 2013
Waktu Pelaksanaan :
  • Pendaftaran dan pembayaran UTC 2013 : 20 maret – 30 april 2013
  • Penerimaan proposal : 20 maret – 10 mei 2013
  • Seleksi : 11 mei – 25 mei 2013
  • Pengumuman lolos 15 besar : 26 mei 2013
  • Technical Meeting : 12 Juni 2013
  • Pelaksanaan UTC 2013 : 12 – 16 Juni 2013
Kriteria Penilaian :
- Dampak Sosial dan lingkungan
- Keberlanjutan
- Inovasi
- Project management
- Leadership
- Impact
- Potensi untuk berkembang dan replikasi

Hadiah :
Juara I :
Piala + Sertifikat + Project Capital sebesar Rp 7.000.000,-
Juara II :
Piala + Sertifikat +Project Capital sebesar Rp 5.000.000,-
Juara III :
Piala + Sertifikat + Project Capital sebesar Rp 3.000.000,-

Info lanjut :
CP: Malik (0856-41475789) / Melia (0857-30286665)
Email :  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Microsoft AppCampus


Apply now to get up to €70K!


AppCampus offers grants to startups in the BizSpark program to help support their efforts to build compelling Windows Phone apps. AppCampus offers a guaranteed number of grants to BizSpark startups, ranging from €20,000-€70,000. AppCampus also provides coaching services, training in mobile technology, design and usability support. AppCampus doesn’t take equity or commission, but selected apps will need to be available exclusively on the Windows Phone or Nokia platforms for the first six months.

What is AppCampus looking for?

Broadly, the criteria are:
  1. Innovative. First-to-Market
  2. Not already in competing app marketplaces or building the app on a competitive platform. Note that your existing app may qualify if you enhance your app significantly on the Windows Phone platform by taking full advantage of the Windows Phone platform capability.
  3. Supports key features as they become available (for example maps, location-awareness, camera, near-field communications, accelerometer, Live Tiles, push notification, in-app purchase, in-app advertising, in-app analytic, try-buy, and subscriptions).
  4. Design elegance, technical quality and performance (proto, mock-up, design documents).
  5. Potential to drive momentum (promoting mobile user experience, new areas of mobile usage, mobile business innovation etc.)
Of particular interest are companies that are also developing on other Microsoft technologies, including Windows 8 and Windows Azure, Microsoft’s Cloud Computing Platform. To qualify, startups need to be members of BizSpark. You can find out more about how to apply for the BizSpark program here.

How to apply for a Grant

Simply click on the "Apply now!" link below, and you’ll be directed to the AppCampus application site* where you can review the AppCampus grant program and complete the brief application. In question #15, please include yourBizSpark Account ID (and the name of your Microsoft sponsor, if you have one). Companies will be selected and notified quarterly.

*By clicking the button you will leave the Microsoft website and be directed to a third-party website

Google Online Marketing Online 2013

DEADLINE : 10 Mei 2013       
        The Google Online Marketing Challenge is an exciting opportunity for students to experience and create online marketing campaigns using Google AdWords and Google+. Over 50,000 students and professors from almost 100 countries have participated in the past 5 years.
With a $250 budget provided by Google, students develop and run an online advertising campaign for a business or non-profit organization over a three week period. The teams that develop and communicate the most successful campaigns win awesome prizes, including a trip to Google for the students and their professor. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the optional Google+ Social Media Marketing Award by maintaining a Google+ Page for their clients over a six week period.
The Challenge is open to student teams of three to six members, regardless of their majors. All students must register under a verified professor/instructor at a higher education institution. Visit Discover GOMC to learn more about the Challenge and how to participate.
Be sure to follow us on our Google+ page for the latest updates and announcements throughout the year.

Jim Duncan Scholarship, University Of Aberdeen, UK

              The Jim Duncan scholarship is open to anyone who has decided to go to University to undertake an undergraduate degree after having had a break in their education, or who are resuming their undergraduate studies at the University after an interruption, and require financial assistance.
University of Aberdeen UK
Two Jim Duncan Scholarships are available.
The scholarships shall initially be awarded for a two year period of the undergraduate course in order to give security to the scholar awarded. Thereafter, the scholar may apply to have the scholarship renewed on an annual basis. Each scholarship is valued at £1,500 per annum.
The scholarships are open to all students regardless of nationality or fee status, who have had a break in education, or are resuming their undergraduate studies after an interruption.
Applications from medical students would be particularly welcome.
The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of financial need and hardship, and academic potential.
Application Procedure
Please complete the application and reference forms provided. Guidelines are also provided to help with completing the application form.
As the scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need the Scholarship Panel expects to see supporting documentary evidence and your application is likely to be unsuccessful if this is not provided.
Deadline: 22nd of April 2013
Application Docs

Richard E.Merwin Student Scholarship

IEEE Computer Society is offering $40,000 in student scholarships from $1,000 and up to recognize and reward active student volunteer leaders in student branches or chapters who show promise in their academic and professional efforts.
This scholarship was created in honor of the late Richard E. Merwin, past president of the IEEE Computer Society, to recognize and reward student leadership. The selected winners of this award will have the opportunity to serve as IEEE Computer Society Student Ambassadors for the particular IEEE region to which they belong. Duties as Student Ambassadors will include collecting and disseminating information to student branches or chapters in their region and serving as a liaison between the IEEE Computer Society Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGAB) and student members in their region. Over a dozen scholarships of $1,000 and up are available, for one academic year (approximately 9 months). The Merwin Scholarship now has two application deadlines; Apr. 30th and Sep. 30th of each year (you may only apply once per year on either Apr. 30th andSep. 30th).   The current deadline for application submissions:  30 April 2013

Who is Eligible?
Graduate students, and those in the final two years of an undergraduate program in electrical or computer engineering, computer science, or a well-defined computer related field of engineering who are active members of a student branch or chapter are eligible.  IEEE Computer Society membership is required.  (Note: Students applying for the award should have a minimum one year in which to complete their degree, or be considering or enrolled to immediately start further study upon completion.)

Applicants are required to have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 over 4.0 (or exam marks of at least 60%), and be a full-time student as defined by his or her academic institution during the course of the award. Student winners of the Computer Society's Richard Merwin or UPE/CS award for the previous year (13 months) are not eligible.

Evaluation criteria include participation in student IEEE branch/chapter activities (30%), academic achievement (30%), extracurricular activities (10%), letter of recommendation from student branch/chapter advisor (20%), and quality of Student Ambassador vision statement (10%).

How to Apply?

Complete the application guidlines below and submit it, along with a simple text file of your entry
Name of the scholarship or award for which you are applying
  1. Cover page including: name of the scholarship or award for which you are applying, your full name, your permanent contact information (including mailing address, phone number, and email address), Computer Society Member Number (only Computer Society members are eligible - current IEEE students can join the society for as low as $8 US.  Click here, select "Add IEEE Computer Society to your IEEE Membership."), name and address of academic institution, name of your Branch or Chapter Advisor
  2. Participation in student branch or chapter activities
  3. Academic achievement: school transcript showing either cumulative Grade Point Average or exam marks
  4. List of academic scholarships, awards, prizes, etc. (not copies of the items - just a list)
  5. Non-IEEE extracurricular activities while in college or university
  6. Declaration that the student intends to continue his or her studies on a full-time basis
  7. Declaration that the application - except for the transcript and the letter(s) of recommendation -- represents the student's own work, and is fully accurate to the best of the student's knowledge
  8. Include a one-page summary of how you envision your role as a Student Ambassador serving as liaison between the IEEE Computer Society Member and Geographic Activities Board and student members in your region
  9. Letter of recommendation from branch/chapter advisor
!!!  Total application should not exceed 10 pages plus cover page, transcript, and letter of recomendation

Informasi Beasiswa : Adobe Foundation Creativity Scholarship

Deadline :  7 April 2013

The Adobe Foundation Creativity Scholarships program was developed to support the next generation of creative thinkers and propel the future careers of those who create.
The scholarships provide financial support to students who have participated in the Adobe Youth Voices (AYV) program through the network of strategic partners.
AYV is Adobe’s global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative focused on teaching youth from underserved communities the power of creative self-expression and global citizenship. The AYV network includes more than 800 sites in 52 countries.
This scholarship is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE), an independent not-for-profit founded in 1919. IIE is among the world's largest and most experienced international education and training organizations.
Applications must be submitted by April 7, 2013. The application will be closed at 9:00 am Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8) on April 8, 2013. The application can be accessed at

 This scholarship is open to students in their final year of high school/upper secondary school or first year of post-secondary education who participated in the Adobe Youth Voices Program through the network of strategic partners.
Applicants must be accepted into or continuing in an accredited post-secondary degree or certificate program in a creative field or in a field through which they will apply creative skills to advance global citizenship and social justice issues.
Applicants must also be in good academic standing with a minimum U.S. GPA equivalent to 3.0.
Documents required-
  • Completed online application form
  • A personal statement of up to 500 words
  • A self-completed financial data form
  • A financial verification form, to be completed by the Bursar or another appropriate school official at the post-secondary institution where applicant expect to study
  • Three reference letters. One letter must come from an Adobe Youth Voices partner educator/advisor. The other two letters can come from any non-family member who knows applicant’s well.
  • High school transcript (official copy)
  • University transcript, if applicable (official copy)
  • Resume (maximum of two pages)
  • Portfolio from Adobe Youth Voices program or other work (maximum file size 1GB)
  • Certification form

Monday, April 1, 2013

About UN-HABITAT Urban Youth Fund

Deadline: 15 April, 2013
Open to: organization led by young people aged 15-32 years and based in cities or towns in developing countries
Grants: The fund provides grants of up to $25,000 for new ideas and solutions for job creations, good governance, adequate shelter and secure tenure

This fund promotes the poverty reduction aims of Millennium Development Goals and the Habitat Agenda for better, more sustainable and equitable towns and cities throughout the developing world. It provides grants of up to $25,000 for new ideas and solutions for job creation, good governance, adequate shelter and secure tenure.

By undertaking research on best practises in youth-led development the fund will also create a greater awareness of the urgency to ensure that youth concerns are integrated into national and local development policies and strategies.


Applicant organizations must be led by young people aged 15-32 years and be based in cities or towns in developing countries to qualify for a grant. Support will be provided primarily for those working to improve slum conditions and to raise opportunities for young people growing up in poverty. Projects encouraging gender equality or involving partnerships with the government or the private sector are particularly encouraged.
Organisations must have been legally registered for at least one year in one of the following regions: Africa; Latin America and the Caribbean; Asia (excluding Japan); Oceania (excluding Australia and New Zealand). They must be non-profit, non-government (NGOs or CBOs) although UN organisations, government organisations and private enterprises may engage in partnership with youth –led organisations. They must have a valid bank account.

Application Process

Applicants must respect the following procedures when filling in the application online for their application to be accepted:
The application is ONLY available online in the following languages: English, French and Spanish. The application must be made in the same language as the one selectedand must be completed in full. The system will not allow you to submit the application unless all fields are completed and all compulsory attachments are submitted. Applications submitted in hardcopy or by e-mail will NOT be accepted.
Please make sure that you finish the application and submit all compulsory attachments in the system before the deadline. The deadline is final and not up for discussion. You can APPLY HERE! For insight information in the selection process visit this page.


If you have any queries about the UN-HABITAT Youth Fund, you can use some of the contacts HERE! You can also check the FAQ section HERE!
For more information please visit the official website.

2013 CommonWealth Essay Competition

DEADLINE : 1 Mei 2013

            Are you a writer? Are you interested in the world around you? Do you want your voice to be heard by others? If so, the Commonwealth Essay Competition is definitely for you. We encourage you to be creative in your response to our topics. You can submit a poem, letter, article, story, essay or even a short play. The choice is yours. Just get writing!

              Every year, the Commonwealth Essay Competition inspires thousands of young writers from all over the world. Run by the Royal Commonwealth Society since 1883, it is the world's oldest and largest schools' international writing competition. Past winners include Mr Lee Hsien Loong, the Prime Minister of Singapore and Elspeth Huxley.
           The competition is free to enter and in 2012 over 1,000 young writers, from 245 schools, in 38 countries across the Commonwealth received an award for their entry.

              For 2013, we're delighted to announce that the Competition will be run in partnership with Cambridge University Press, whose support will enable us to engage even more young writers across the Commonwealth.

             The Competition celebrates and nurtures the creative talents of young people across the Commonwealth, providing a platform for students to compete with their peers in each of the 54 nations which make up this unique association. Entrants are judged in two age groups, Junior (under 14 years) and Senior (14-18 years).
             The closing date is 1st May 2013 and results will be announced in the autumn of next year, when a Junior and Senior Prize Winner and Runner Up will be announced and our judges will make a number of Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards. We very much hope your school will feature!
For more details download the 2013 Essay Competition leaflet Icon: Acrobat PDFhere Icon: Link to another website.
To download the 2013 Essay Competition poster click Icon: Acrobat PDFhere Icon: Link to another website.
Update: Entrants will be able to submit their essays online from the end of January 2013.